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Weston Park Primary School

Governing Body Meetings and Committees

Governing Body Committees

  • Full Governing Body
  • Children's Committee
  • People & Resources Committee
  • Pay Committee


There are usually four full Governing Body meetings in every school year.

Each Governor is also a member of one or more  Committees which meet once per term except the Pay Committee which meets once a year. 

At meetings Governors hear and discuss reports from the Headteacher and sometimes other staff on the work of the school, and Link Governors report on their focused visits to the school.  We review the school’s policies and procedures on a wide range of matters from Safeguarding to Lettings and from Attendance to Performance Management.  We also review and agree the school’s budgets and make sure that money is spent wisely and well.  In addition, governors discuss school development priorities for the upcoming year, review our own governance structures and practice, and consider how government policies or local and national developments impact on the school and its community.


Parents, carers and staff are welcome to come along to and observe the first, non-confidential part of the full Governing Body meetings.  Dates and times of meetings are available in the school calendar.  Please let the school office or the Chair of Governors know in advance if you intend to attend a meeting. 

