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Weston Park Primary School

General Information

Welcome to Reception - Matisse


Reception Team:

Harriet Keene & Dianne McNevin (Teachers)

Sally Kiernan - Teaching Assistant 


PPA time:

Harriet works out of class on Thursday mornings for her planning, preparation and assessment time (PPA). Sally and Donna are in class on Thursday mornings to cover for Harriet. 


Reception Curriculum:

In Reception we have a weekly topic/focus, which stems from a core text.  We plan learning opportunities for each area of the EYFS Curriculum on this weekly theme. Every week there are 5 focus children, these children are closely observed and we use our observations to plan for the children's next steps in learning.


In Reception the children also begin phonics, they learn the Set 1 and 2 sounds and learn how to apply these sounds to read and write words.  At Weston Park we follow the RML (Ruth Miskin Literacy) phonics scheme and the children take part in a daily RML lesson, which incorporates phonics, reading, writing and handwriting. The children also take part in a daily Maths carpet session, as well as daily circle time and story time. 


On Thursdays the children have a singing session with our singing teacher Alex Lyons.  


Please see our Early Years Policy for further information about the seven areas of learning, the Characteristics of Effective Learning and an explanation of how the children learn through a balance of exploration and carefully planned focus activities.


  1. Years Policy


Please share your child’s sound book with them on a daily basis, remember to go back and review all the sounds taught so far.

Please read with your child for 10 minutes daily, it really does make all the difference to your child’s learning and progress.


PE days:

Matisse Class have P.E on Tuesday afternoons. Please can the children come to school dressed for P.E on Tuesdays. 


Useful links:

