Weston Park offers a breakfast club and an after school club which provides good quality care and provision for the children from Reception to Year 6.
Nursery aged children can find the day extremely long and distressing if they attend breakfast or after school wrap-around care, and so we only recommend this once they are securely settled at school. Please speak to the school if you are considering this for your Nursery child, so we can discuss whether or not we can offer this.
Breakfast Club
7.45am to 8.50am
Our Breakfast Club provides a safe, secure environment before school, where Weston Park children can have breakfast, relax or play.
The children are supervised by two members of staff. We offer a healthy breakfast of toast or cereal, milk or juice.
Activities on offer include playing games, creative activities (drawing and making), lego and there is a quiet zone for reading. We are based in Kandinsky classroom and the children have access to the junior playground.
When Breakfast Club ends at 8.50am, the KS1 children are accompanied to their classrooms whilst KS2 children may join their friends in the playground.
Sessions cost £5.00 and must be booked and paid for in advance, using the online booking system. Please contact Mark in the school office for further details.
After School Club
3.30pm to 6.00pm
Our club is fun, friendly and packed full of activities, providing a safe environment for children when parents are working.
The club is supervised by three members of staff who collect the children from their class at the end of the school day.
We offer the children a wide range of activities both indoor and out, depending on the weather. Activities may include football, table tennis, painting, card making, drawing, sewing, board games, model building, badminton and a quiet area for reading or relaxation.
We are based in the school hall or the Kandinsky classroom and the children also have access to the playground as well.
Sessions cost £15.00 which includes a hot, light two course meal. If you prefer, you can supply your child with their own snack.
Sessions must be booked and paid for in advance, using the online booking system. Please contact Mark in the school office for further details.