Racial Equity
At Weston Park, we believe every child should have an equal opportunity to succeed. We celebrate the rich diversity of our school through our school assemblies, PSHE programme, Black History Month Programme and learning and sharing about the children’s own cultural heritages. We are proud to be an anti-racist school and we talk to the children about the importance of respecting our differences and challenging discrimination if it occurs.
HEP Racial Equity Pledge
At Weston Park we are committed to the HEP Racial Equity Pledge.
We commit to:
Key Contacts:
Racial Equity Link Governor – Kylie Agbim
Racial Equity SLT Member – Adelle McCarthy (Deputy Headteacher)
Our Curriculum
Our aim is that our curriculum reflects the diversity in our school community. We review the curriculum content annually and subject leaders evaluate the curriculum content of their subject.
The school’s foundation subjects have been mapped to enable our pupils to experience a broad range of cultures and beliefs from around the world, and to challenge stereotypes.
Celebrating our Cultural Heritages
As part of our Cultural Heritages Week, our children worked together to create some beautiful class canvases that celebrate each child’s unique cultural heritage. These canvases are displayed across our school to be shared and celebrated by all. We host an annual International Food Event, in which our families are encouraged to share a dish which represents their cultural heritage. The food is shared together in the hall and all of our school community come together to taste food from across the globe.
Championing Racial Equity Parent Discussions
Every term, Kylie and Adelle host a Championing Racial Equity Discussion Group for parents and carers to attend. The group offers an opportunity for the school to communicate any updates on racial equity matters, such as curriculum development, staff training, up and coming events and to listen and hear the views of parents and carers. All parents and carers are invited to attend, so please look out for the date of the next meeting on the school newsletter.
Anti-Racism Resources for Parents and Carers:
It's never too early to talk to your child about race and to introduce diversity into their lives. To help start these conversations, please see below a list of resources you may find helpful and useful.
Watch and Listen