At Weston Park, we aim to provide a creative and inclusive curriculum which is ambitious for all our pupils. Our rich curriculum enables pupils to develop as curious and independent learners.
We intend to:
- Ensure that our curriculum reflects the diversity in our school community
- Deliver a curriculum which builds on pupils’ prior knowledge and provides progression of knowledge and skills
- Support and challenge all learners to achieve their best outcomes
- Ensure that our pupils have the knowledge and skills to be ready for the next stage of their education
- Adapt our curriculum to meet the needs of all learners and offer a wide range of experiences to develop cultural capital
- Support all pupils to develop healthy lifestyles, make good choices and to develop strategies to be emotionally resilient
Our aim is that our curriculum reflects the diversity in our school community. We review the curriculum content annually and subject leaders evaluate the curriculum content of their subject.
The school’s foundation subjects have been mapped to enable our pupils to experience a broad range of cultures and beliefs from around the world, and to challenge stereotypes.
Teachers identify children’s common misconceptions and address these when planning for progression. We are committed to investing in the cultural capital of all pupils through the delivery of our curriculum and enrichment opportunities, such as educational visits and workshops.
We provide a high quality and ambitious curriculum for all pupils, including those with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities by equipping them with the tools needed to become independent and inquisitive learners both in and out of the classroom.
Our learning environment is accessible and flexible and is adapted to meet the individual needs of our pupils with SEND.
Pupils build on their prior learning and develop an age appropriate range of knowledge and skills, through our rich and ambitious curriculum.
We do this by:
- Implementing schemes of work which sequence the curriculum and build in a progression of skills from year to year.
- Revisiting pupils’ prior knowledge within lessons, using a flexible approach to the curriculum where necessary.
- Ensuring that teachers have an in-depth understanding of the knowledge taught across the primary phase.
- Using prior assessment to plan learning opportunities that are pitched at the appropriate level for all learners.
- Providing regular opportunities for teachers to assess what children have learnt and retained.
- Providing opportunities for all pupils to think critically and explain their reasoning.
Teachers use both formative and summative assessment to assess pupils’ knowledge and understanding of the curriculum. Our tracking system, ‘Insight’, enables teachers to monitor the progress of pupils against the national curriculum’s targets. This data is scrutinised by the school leadership team on a half termly basis, and pupils are identified for intervention or focus groups where necessary.
- Make at least good progress in their learning, regardless of their starting point.
- Are able to talk about what they are learning currently and what they have previously learnt, including the skills they gained and the experiences they have had.
- Can talk about how they learn in different subjects and can identify the characteristics of different subjects.
- Will be appropriately challenged through the learning opportunities provided by their teacher.
- Demonstrate excellent learning behaviours in lessons.
- Plan and sequence high quality lessons which are well structured and follow a clear sequence.
- Understand how their year group’s objectives feed into the wider progression of our curriculum.
- Demonstrate clear pedagogical understanding in all lessons and have high expectations of pupils’ learning and their behaviour for learning.
- Will teach a progressive curriculum which is inclusive and which represents the diversity of the school.
- Are in charge of their own professional development and seek ways to improve their knowledge and skills.
- Give regular feedback to pupils verbally and through green pen growth questions and targets.
- Are confident in their planning, teaching and assessment of learning.
- Regularly review learning to build pupils’ schema to consolidate key concepts and use formative assessment to adapt teaching where necessary.
- Monitor standards across the school.
- Attend regular meetings with school leaders and robustly challenge the impact of the curriculum and outcomes.