Krasner Class General Information
Year 6 – Krasner
Class teacher:
Welcome to Year 6 (Monet)
Year 6 marks the final year at Weston Park for our pupils. As the oldest children in school, it falls to Year 6 to set the example for all the other children at Weston Park. They have prefect roles, which reflect their growing independence and the trust that they have earned from their teachers over the years. Their duties often involve supporting younger children in play, learning and communicating. They also help the teachers with administrative duties, and assist in managing behaviour across the school.
PPA time:
Planning, preparation and assessment time for Jack is on Thursday afternoons covered by Bob (P.E) and James (Music).
Homework is set on Friday, and is due in to be marked on Tuesday. There will be maths, and spelling homework each week. Dependent on the week’s learning and progress, extra homework may be set. I expect all of these to be completed and handed in on time.
Physical Education:
PE is taught by Bob on Thursday afternoons in the Hall and by Jack on Friday afternoons in the Hall. It is essential that children have their PE kits in school for these days.
Timetable and Routines:
Children should be in the Junior Playground lined up and ready at 8.55am. Please remember not to enter the school building before this time.
Break times: 10:30 am – 10:45 am
Lunch time: 12:15 pm – 1:15 pm
Singing assembly: Wednesday at 2.30 pm with Alex
Spanish: Wednesday at 9.30 am with Enric
Music: Thursday at 1:15 pm with James