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Weston Park Primary School

Pay Committee

Pay Committee 


The responsibilities of the Pay Committee are: 


  • to update the Governing Body on any developing issues related to staff pay
  • to review as necessary the implementation of the Pay Policy, taking into account the impact of the policy on progression trends and compliance with equalities legislation and consulting as appropriate with the Headteacher, staff and trade union representatives. The findings of any such review should be reported to the Governing Body for approval
  • to ensure pay decisions are made in line with the Pay Policy and legal requirements
  • to ratify pay decisions for teachers and other staff as required by the Pay Policy, taking into account the recommendations made by the Headteacher based on the appraisal process and any allocation of Teaching and Learning Responsibilities
  • to recommend to the Full Governing Body a decision regarding the pay of the Headteacher, taking into account the recommendations made by the Headteacher Performance Management Panel 
  • to be responsible for organising teacher pay appeals 
  • to seek professional advice from the Local Authority as necessary 
  • to attend relevant training as appropriate 