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Weston Park Primary School

General Information

Kusama Class General Information 

Year 2 – Kusama Team

Class teacher:

  • Emma Sarkar

Teaching assistants:

  • Karen Riley

Year 2 (Kusama) is the final year of Key Stage 1. As in Year 1, the children still have time to choose their own activities as well as work with the teacher on a directed activity. They will also continue to have access to sand and water, role play, construction, and painting. English and Maths are taught every day and phonics is taught discretely across the week using a synthetic phonics programme called R.M.L (Ruth Miskin Literacy).

Whenever possible we enrich the curriculum by visiting museums, galleries, theatres and outdoor learning environments.

The pupils in Year 2 are assessed at the end of the year using statutory assessments in reading, writing and maths (KS1 SATS). This data is published on a school, local and national level. The children are fully prepared for this form of assessment throughout the year and parents are kept well informed of how they can help and support their children at home.

In Year 2 a strong emphasis is placed on playing and working collaboratively. Children are always expected to be kind to each other, to listen and work hard in their lessons.


PPA time

Planning, preparation and assessment time for Emma will be on Wednesday afternoons (covered by Spanish with Enric and Music assembly with Alex.)


Homework will be set on Thursdays and is due in by the following Tuesday. There will be either a Maths, English, Topic or Science piece of work each week. In addition, there will be two sounds of the week plus three high frequency words to learn. We expect any written work/ activity to be handed in on time and the spellings are to remain at home for the child to practise over the course of a week.

Physical Education

PE will be taught on Monday afternoon by Emma in the school hall and Tuesday morning by Bob in the school hall. It is essential that children have their PE kits in school for these days.

Timetable And Routines

Children should be in the infant playground lined up and ready at 8.55am. Please remember not to enter the school building before this time.

Lunch time: 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Break times: 10:30 a.m. – 10:50 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. to 2:45 p.m.

Singing assembly: Wednesday at 2:00 p.m.

Spanish: Wednesday at 1:15 p.m. with Enric
