The People and Resources Committee covers matters relating to the financial performance of the school, pay, personnel and the school premises.
The Committee's primary responsibilities are to:
- determine the school's financial priorities to support the School Development Plan;
- agree, with the Headteacher, a staffing structure for the school that supports the School Development Plan and priorities;
- review the annual budget and quarterly income and expenditure of all public funds, and report to the Governing Body on the financial health of the school;
- review, with the Headteacher, plans relating to long term financial planning, resourcing and capital expenditure;
- review the impact of Pupil Premium and Sports Premium spending and approve such spending in each year;
- discuss and approve spending in line with delegated authorities (including this Committee, the Governing Body, the Headteacher, the School Business Manager, and any other budget holders within the school);
- monitor and review teaching and support staff development activities and their effectiveness at improving teaching and learning in the school;
- review and approve Headteacher recommendations for staff pay progression;
- monitor and review all aspects of maintenance, improvement or repair related to the school premises;
- monitor the school’s compliance with Health and Safety requirements; and
- ensure, in discussion with the Headteacher, that the school is a safe environment for children and staff.